Emanuel Medical Center Hosting Healthy Over Hungry Cereal Drive June 7-14

May 30, 2019

Because hunger doesn’t take a summer vacation

Emanuel Medical Center is leading a community effort to provide area children and adults struggling with hunger with a healthy breakfast through its Healthy Over Hungry Cereal Drive. The drive kicks off Friday, June 7 and runs through Friday, June 14. All donations stay local and will benefit Second Harvest Food Bank and New Life Christian Center.

“We are committed to supporting our community and making a difference in the lives of others,” said Lani Dickinson, CEO of Emanuel Medical Center. “We are proud to be a part of this summertime initiative which provides nutritious breakfast for those struggling with hunger in our community – many of whom are children who cannot rely on their schools for meals during the summer months.”

Whole-grain cereal, when part of a healthy, balanced breakfast including dairy, fruit and lean protein, is a popular food item that experts say can easily address the hunger gap during the summer months when children are not in school.

Donations of healthy cereal can be dropped off in Emanuel’s main lobby or the Garden Terrace starting June 7. Examples of healthy cereal include Corn Flakes, Rice Krispies and Cheerios, but there are plenty of good options available.

Last year, Emanuel collected more than 45,000 servings of cereal for the community and has the goal of surpassing that amount this year.

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